
The Real Disgusting Nutters Never Seem To Go Away

You would think after getting his ass kicked on national TV just a few days ago this small minded bigot would finally ride off into the cesspool never to be seen again. But no - to other crazy bastards he's a player in big scheme of dumfuckedness.

Tancredo weighs governor race


  1. As Liebowski would say, "nice ferret". Methinks it's Tom Tancredo dressed as a white supremicist weasel but I could be wrong. Tancredo is just a stalking horse for Norton, you know, to fire up the Colorado base of haters, shitheads and other Rocky Mountain varmits. Does your fine state still have a bounty on these critters? I could be tempted to oil up the gun and start shooting 'em if the pay was decent. Unfortunately, Oregon no longer allows the taking of riffraff/hoodwinkers/bamboozlers and other types of predators..er, I mean Republicans.

  2. You never answered the ?, OTC. Is it Tancredo disguised as a white supremicist weasel? A Liebowski ferret? My last quess is it might be your new girlfriends' muff warmer. Inquiring minds want to know.
