
And What Else Is New

Capitol Hill Democrats are muscling through a deficit-swelling spending bill. Really? I haven't seen any strong arm tactics by anybody on my side at least nothing that stands out. This is the muscle-

Not a single House Republican voted for the bill. Some 28 Democrats, chiefly moderates and abortion opponents, opposed the measure.

Obama was talking bipartisanship again just the other day. A stepping stone or something we can build on I hear from my side in reference to the HCB. Bull shit! There isn't time enough to build on anything. I watched this building and steps that have been taken for decades and look what the fuck we got now.

Now is the real line in the sand that will determine if we can ever get representative government back not that we ever had it.

1 comment:

  1. Mostly run of the mill stuff. The Whopper is always DOD. We spend more on DOD that the rest of the countries spend on their various military operations COMBINED. In Congress nobody was ever punished for the care and feeding of the monolithic killing machine. Obama only gets cudos when he quotes Niebuhr. I think that asshole was Hitler's coverboy: go figure Repugs like Dems when they act like Nazis. That's bipartisanship.
