
Ramping Up To Steal The Internets

Terrorists and the Web will be part of the equation Comsuck will employ during the upcoming quest to become the biggest.

Net Neutrality hasn't been seen anywhere the last couple months and don't hear shit from the FCC.

While campaigning Obama said he was supportive of the war in Afghanistan and stuck to his word.

He also said media giants becoming larger was a negative and that diversity in media was important or something to that effect.

Will he stick to his words on this issue?

You think health care is huge. It's peanuts compared to who controls the internets and they want it. This upcoming fight will be for all the marbles - every last one of them.

"Online recruiting has exponentially increased, with Facebook, YouTube and the increasing sophistication of people online," a high-ranking Department of Homeland Security official said Saturday on the condition of anonymity. But criminal investigators said the explosion of online communication made it extraordinarily difficult to monitor, and they indicated that their tracking abilities were limited by constitutional and privacy considerations. "Other countries may have different capabilities, and those are capabilities we don't have," said one federal law enforcement official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the issue.


  1. Yeah, other countries get to do it so why can't we? Whine...

  2. cuz we're special??

    I expect the dims to hand them the whole thing just like the rest of it I'm sorry to say.

    Just get well soon Lib!!!

  3. "Not authorized to speak publicly", my ass. This is most likely a deliberate leak by an Administration official. Any ordinary worker who spoke out would be fired or worse if he spoke out like that and was discovered.

    We have most of the telecommunications of the world going through our country, and the NSA can monitor damn near all of it now. That we can't do what other countries can is at best irrelevant, and at most a crock.

  4. The FCC can except 10,000,000,000,000, or so, e-mails if net neutrality is threatened. Well that's what should happen.

  5. We have a facade of health care reform that is going to cost us 1 or 2 trillion. Other than that and signing us up to be a card carrying member of Afghanistan's graveyard of Nations he has accomplished nothing of consequence.

  6. Expendiency is the quickest course to Fascism. Congressional deliberation after a lengthy public meeting process is the slowest. America's politicians love speed when they don't want us to know their dirty dealings. I'm thinking the quick and dirty fix is in; civil liberties and all the rest be damned.

  7. This is serious shit friends and we haven't seen nothing yet. Most of the time I have a problem with unidentified sources Cujo but not this time because this was the truth. Several million helped before Holte and the way things have been going no matter how many protest I really believe the corporations will not be denied.

    Thanks for stopping by. OF
