
Joe Says US Means Business With Blackwater

He also said concerning a judge's decision to clear five American security guards accused of killing 14 unarmed Iraqis in 2007.

"Today I am announcing that the United States government will appeal this decision, our justice department will file that appeal next week''.

Do you think this may be one we might get in the sense of at the minimum have it go to trial to determine just what did happen.

We won't.

Don't waste your time thinking about.

#2,687 of the things we did not get but should have.


  1. Don't be too hard on Joe, this was one of several investigations begun under Bush that were completely screwed before Obama took his oath. The sad part is there is no indication that the offending attorneys were fired and disbarment proceedings begun.

  2. It's sad alright and not picking on Joe Mont. It could have been the Queen of Egypt that said it and as like Joe she would have been the conduit to the only point I was trying to make that we don't win a damn thing. These five will never see a trial nor will anyone else.

  3. I wonder if these killers will be re-charged in the U.S. under the same set of facts or more evidence will come to light. They could be convicted in absentia in The Hague couldn't they? Most everyone who knows ain't sayin' much yet: that's a given.

  4. The five security guards might not have been on the the tax payers nickel, but the company they worked for was.

  5. These people have criminal immunity to certain types of actions they perform in the duty of our country, don't they? I thought that was in their contract somewhere since around 2004. Try them in Europe, I say, here in the U.S. the Supreme court would just let them off on appeal anyway.
