
Those Opposed To Medicinal Marijuana Need It Themselves

If they partook a bit of this herb it's possible they could stop from shitting their pants in fear so they could get used to the fact that the times they are a changing like it or not.

Some dark age rhetoric from a Denver councilman and similar nutter nonsense from the owner of the piece. Using fear as the usual tactic the whole article is slanted.

Not that I have the slightest problem with someone wanting to get completely baked out of his mind. He wants to make sure permit holders get quality weed grown right here in Colorado and not from some gun-toting Mexican drug cartel that could be treating the dope with God knows what.

And now the badges and the suits with guns have entered the fray-

1 comment:

  1. This is all about revenue or more precisely; potential lost revenue. When Big Law Enforcement loses money and the Police/Industrial/ Prison Complex can't squeeze people or put them in debtor's prison they act out; squeeling like the pigs they have been for 40 years. Cops are just protecting their cash cow- if they wouldn't of become cops they would of worked for The Mob, shaking poor people down. Smoke some pot, take a walk and be prepared to be fooled again.
