
Wannabe Pole Dancer Hurts Self And Sues

Stupid stupid.


The gym actually teaches a class on this so they're probably both as stupid.

We got major problems here in the land of the free in the choices we make.

May it be warmer where you're at. -16 here


  1. Interesting choice in a post. I know incredibly fit women who exercise this way and several who have these in their homes. For my part I won't touch on the why with a ten foot pole until I talk to my atty. Ms. Wee should start with smaller poles, so to speak, until her upper body strength comes around or get a spotting partner and try conquering the pole from an angle that won't cause serious injury. Pole riding should be done for fun, and in some cases, profit. So have fun but be careful out there kittens.

  2. Women who go messing around with giant phallic symbols run the risk of injury.

    Nice picture of a trout, looks pan size.

  3. Fly, are you saying that Polish people shouldn't dance? ;-)

  4. Nice fish! The age of personal responsibility is over but not for all of us only for those looking to capitalize off their own stability. It is snowing in Atlanta as we speak and soon in Alabama. Unreal!

  5. I'll put one up tomorrow Holte that won't fit so well.

    Well TC I don't know about those Pole's but I bet these Bulgarian girls can tackle that dancing pole real good.

    I bet it goes 25-30 below tonight but at least it doesn't snow when it's that cold.

  6. Consider yourself lucky. Snow snow snow, 5" Sat, 6" Sun, 4" Mon, 2" Tue, 3" Wed, 2" today. More snow tomorrow, maybe and inch or two like Chinese snow torture. Then when were done with the snow we'll get what you have today, cccooolllddd, 15 below Friday night. Gotta love the winters in the Adirondacks.
