
Wars Are Less Deadly My Cornfield Ass

Dead is fucking dead! I don't care this is a form of thought control plain and fucking simple.

Since 2000, the average conflict has killed 90 percent fewer people each year than in the 1950s, said the Human Security Report Project at Vancouver's Simon Fraser University.

There are a number of statistics in this piece but my point is this-that because deaths from wars is less than it becomes acceptable even more so when you're not on the receiving end. And that is exactly what they want the war lovers here to think. That's a fact.


  1. " The only good war is a gas war " used to be one of the 60's punch lines. It doesn't seem so funny now with $83 a barrel oil and two major wars, does it? The old saw about " careful what you wish for; you might just get it " should make us all involuntarily double clutch about now.

  2. I call bullshit. Roughly 2 million Iraqis were killed between sanctions and post-war violence in our two gulf wars against Iraq. But apparently unless the death was directly caused by a bullet aimed at that person, it doesn't count according to the HSRP. Like there's various categories of dead, some being deader than others, instead of dead being dead. GAH!

    - Badtux the War Penguin
