
We Gotta Save Harry - My Ass

Lets not and say we did. First Limpy as a privileged religiously insane Mormon male should have his ass kicked from Salt Lake to Moab then back for saying what he did. You just don't say shit like that at least where it can be heard. Once again another dim has given the nutters something to wank off on at our expense.

OTC wanted this man outed as majority leader of the senate soon after he took over. We would have been better off and not be dealing with this shit today if that had happened. From my take more wanted him gone than not at least out here in the real world.

The identical thing with da Lieberwhore. That dried up hog terd should have been shit canned a long time ago. But no Obama thought he could work with him and look what the piece of shit did and we'll keep hearing more from this asshole.

What the fuck are you dumb ass dims thinking? Are you really that stupid?

I guess so. Sheez.


  1. I can only assume Harry Reid must be a fantastic behind closed doors negotiator, he must be, because on camera he comes across as a tepid, weak individual. One Fly would eat him for breakfast.

  2. Obama campaigned for Liberwhore and will for Reid. Obama has done little of anything for the Progressive community and won't. He doesn't care one bit what he said to get elected. He never intended to be anything more than what he is: a speachifier and protector of the Washington way of doing business. Smoke some pot and talk a walk- you just got fooled again.

  3. If they're going to oust Reid they need to do it quickly.

    My follow list is full but I had to sign up after I saw your profile pic One Fly.

  4. Thanks for that Truth. What was it about the picture.

    I have added you to the blogroll as I like what I see at your place. We have much in common.

    Giv'em hell and don't take any shit.
    One Fly
