
We'll Beat 'Em With Symbolism - You Betcha

Again today and twice in recent days two fighters have been scrambled in each case to accompany or whatever the fuck they think they can assist two passenger jets with unruly/drunk/stupid or what have you passengers.

There is only one reason to take action like this is because these fighter jets sure as hell can't do squat for the situation inside the passenger jet and that is simply a show of force to whoever gives a fuck that this country means business!! You savvy dat all you baddies out there??

Give me a fucking break here with da stupid shit. Show that we really mean it and put up a couple squadrons and make sure all the pilots fly with a very mean scowl on their faces. Do that and they'll really understand that they better be good or else.


  1. It is all a show and I can't believe people do not see it!

  2. About the only thing they can do is shoot down the plane if the pilots lose control of the cockpit.

  3. Of course and I missed it yet knew it. I think that's about it or say they tossed something out they could pin point where it landed things like that as well.

  4. This was an exercise in very costly pilot training for the jet jockies. The guy wasn't even charged with anything. America has money to burn, I guess. Be afraid, America, be very afraid.

  5. I stand corrected. Mr. Johnson was charged with a felony tonite. He faces 20 years for being pissed about not being able to store his luggage nearby. He also complained about other silly things and the flight attendant snitched him off. I say shot the fucker. He had the audacity to complain about the way he was treated by people with high school educations.

  6. We could hire more air marshals to, like, actually be *inside* the plane to handle "situations" of this sort. But wait, that would make too much sense...

    - Badtux the Baffled Penguin

  7. Sense as in common a trait long since lost. Even if the ones who need it wouldn't know what it was if they saw it.
