
Comcast & NBC At the Alter Of Congress

Today beginning the process of asking for permission to become one to better serve the people's special media and Internet needs.

"The combination of Comcast and NBCU – with no significant overlap between the assets of the companies – is primarily vertical, which generally poses fewer antitrust concerns,"

Well shit fire that makes sense. What makes more sense is a boot shoved vertically up your ass kicking you and the rest of your entourage of mind destroyers out of fucking Dodge! Savvy that asshole?

Don't care what the arguments are for this but OTC says you can't buy us. If congress says no then I'll believe it. Till then we got squat as usual.


  1. Shamwow and the Dims cannot take on the propaganda industry, even if they wanted to, which they don't, because if they did they'd be accused of being anti-bidness...

  2. And it all ends this way: Rupert Murdoch buys everybody up, owns all media and Congress will think it's a good idea because all people want to do is watch TV, they don't care where it comes from, or who owns it.

  3. i read something in the past couple days about comcast changing the name of their cable and internet services to some xfinity or something. they are gonna start the changeover in portland. has something to do with 'separating' their identity when they acquire nbc.

    aha.. found the article: http://www.oregonlive.com/business/index.ssf/2010/02/comcast_will_rename_its_cable.html

  4. Thanks Suzanne. In this article they say it's likely to be approved. They say that because they know good and well they control our legislators and all they have to do is go through the motions. This is sick shit. Will our side fight back? Not hardly.

  5. We are now one nation under corporations.

  6. I think that if Comcast takes over MSNBC, the days of Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz may be numered.

    I watched part of the hearings. The GOP perspectivbe was to take Comcast's word over what it will do rather than imposing Net Neutrality.

  7. They will be numbered for those people TC just as our day will be as well if we do not get Net Neutrality. If control of the Internet is given to the likes of these corporations that one will very possibly be the last nail in the coffin. Fact of is the latest supreme decision very well could have been it but we just don't know it yet. I really believe these games being played out are in fact for all the marbles. This election is pivotal but our side still continues to place nice.

  8. It's spelled altar.
