
A Reason For Some Of The No's

Here is another study that is covered by one of our guys Nicholas Kristof that suggests it's hard wiring in the brain.

That’s the suggestion of some recent research. It hints that the roots of political judgments may lie partly in fundamental personality types and even in the hard-wiring of our brains.

No doubt the differences between those on opposite sides politically is genetic or something like that because nothing else makes any common sense why these people think and vote the the way they do.

This does not give them an out for being obstructionists and racists like we are seeing now not even a little bit.


  1. I believe in the hard wired theory, people down here are very different to anywhere I have ever lived or visited in the country and I put it down to the history of the South from the beginning of the American experiment.

    Distrust, dislike and even plain old hate are not unusual emotions to come across, they weren't born feeling that way, it is impressed upon them around their kitchen table growing up. A poor and slanted education system certainly doesn't help. Only the freest of thinkers can throw those shackles off.

  2. Without question Holte that is a major part of the equation. A while back I saw pictures of brain activity that was a done and the differences between the left and the right was striking.

    Parents can make a Hitler,Pol Pot or if they want a Gandhi or a Mother Theresa. But in the south Jessie Helms is the choice it seems.
