
So Tigger's Gonna Sing

On Friday too. The "news" will be dominated on that day and through the weekend about an adulterer who was considered special because of the way he could beat the shit out of a round white object with a specialized stick.

I'm sorry-I didn't mean it-I luv da wife-I luv da childrens and will try to be really good. I bet this could lead off the national whore news and if not it will be second or third.

No wonder we're so stupid and we are just that!

I will be missing this.


  1. So will I. But I think it means he's ready to play golf and make millions again.

  2. I want him to win as well because it brings out the bigots and racists like moths to a light.

    I work in this business but this is like other competitive sports as well in that it he makes the rest of them better players.

  3. He should have never got married, his dad asked him "why" anyway I want to him to win too especially in the Masters, it drives the folks down mad. I love it.

  4. Damn! Are you a member of the Physic Freinds Network? You know, Dionne Warwick and all...

    I watched it and that is exactly what he said. da wife, da kids, da fans and da mom. Oh? He also mentioned something about be Budist. Everybody always finds teh cloud guy when caught, it never fails to amaze me....happens every time.
