
Thought It Was A Joke

I really did think that.

"the DNC is funding a nearly $500,000 ad campaign in Nebraska for Ben Nelson"

Sorry but I have have to beat the same dead horse. Nothing is going to change folks not hardly at all if any. You may be led to think other but in the end it does not happen. Read Suzan's post. The Landrieu case was done by the CIA. There are other reasons for why things are the way they are.

I'm not keeping track of this slug Nelson. Just figured who the hell would want this fucker representing Democrats as a whole. He stays -you betcha just like most of them will.

Same as it ever was except worse.


  1. This joke is, unfortunately, on us. We're saving this lardass, stinkin' Cornhauler so he can fuck something else up in the future. Go figure.

  2. Thanks for the linky love!

    Love your blog.

    You rock hard.

