
Ciudad Juarez Quick Death

Bang you're dead just like that just plain gone. It happened on Friday where seven were gunned down.

But in a Nogales warehouse a U.S. Border Patrol trainer teaches a Mexican federal policeman how to fight the war.

Another big but!!
"It's a win-win for both countries." Ya see there. 

The story gone so fast just like the lives of those killed on Friday.

The price of doing business with a government run by corporations.


  1. I realize something has to be done about the border situation. I don't understand how we invariably manage to do the wrong thing.

  2. There's been eight years of the U.S. training the cartel footsoldiers by sending them to Iraq and Afghanistan. Things are more deadly down there because they've learned how to shoot straight and employ strategy and tactics.
    The Romans trained the Germans in the second and third centuries by letting them into the legions. Look how well that turned out for them.
