
How Can You Drive Away?

This happens way too much and confuses and pisses me off to no end.

I think it's similar to the killing of innocents in our name for lies like in Irak ya know dere.


  1. It's a by-product of the changes in civilization. When we lived as Hunter-Gathers your group contained your kin members and were the people you would see everyday of your entire life. Nowadays we live with interactions wherein the people we meet we will never see again.

    This driver doesn't know this bicyclist and his quick immoral thought process led him to the conclusion that he would benefit from driving away.

    It's why we need a government to untangle and resolve situations like this and ensure immoral people don't get away with criminal activity.

  2. Well said Gene but with all the jeebus lovers out there why doesn't caring for your fellow man kick in I wonder.
