
Why Don't I Believe Him

Rat bastard Arpaio says they "won't go around racial profiling and grabbing people because of the color of their skin". My ass!

Why are these people below jumping on the band wagon for this in particular McInnis from Colorado.

Because they are appealing to the far right of the party of teabaggers and whatever label put on these people.

No matter what others say this is the type that now make up the party of Republican. This is where the majority of them are at. Just watch what happens this summer.

LTFO and stay out of the sun and Arizona.

Noteworthy supporters of law
• Russell Pearce
• Sarah Palin
• Joe Arpaio
• John McCain
• Andrew Thomas
• J.D. Hayworth
• Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (Fla.)
• Rep. Debbie Riddle (Texas)
• Scott McInnis (Colo. candidate)

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