
It's Become Clear Again

Of just how scary it is out there between Craig,America and da Utah state line.


  1. Aargh. If it weren't for the barren land, I'd think I was driving down a country lane here in the South.

  2. They are promoting a Theocracy. They will not rest until their own thirst for poser is quenched.

    They are all over the country. We will be seeing more and more of this. I see the same things in Az.

  3. our towns HUGE commercial church with STAGE and folding chairs, has their big painted sign out front saying Jesus is coming soon...it's been there for YEARS

  4. They said he's coming so it must be true.

    The road I've been taking on visits to the front range lately between Lafayette and Brighton there are two new massive churches out in the middle of nowhere. Where does that much money come from.

    These people will not rest until they get it all their way.
