
Another Repug Slug Apologizes

After he gets called out on his numerous lies and not until then.

People on our side have issues as well we all understand that but not like these people on the right who lie at will. It really becomes disgusting after so much of it.

If we had a press with any integrity they would rip this piece of shit so wide open he would give up his bid for office. Then maybe another would step up to the plate who would maybe be half as bad and we would all be better off.

WTF are these people thinking when they lie as they do? I couldn't even consider doing that but most of these human pieces of crap on the right do just that and are allowed to get away with it most of the time.

Thanks to our side for giving them passes so a lie becomes the truth more often than not.

Bastards most of them on both sides.


  1. dude...have they ever told the friggin truth about anything at all? It's a rhetorical question, we all know the answer. ;)

    I just get tired of the corporate media giving these fuckwads a free pass...those are the ones I want to tar and feather and run out of town.

  2. By attributing his mistatements of fact to mere carelessness, Kirk is even lying about his lying.

  3. THEY all lie, every single last on one of them. It does not matter which side of the aisle, or which side of their mouth that they are yapping about. IF their lips are movin their lyin.

  4. I swear it's getting worse at least it seems like it. Friends I can tell you numbers are down here compared to last year in respect to what I and others do in other places around town. 25% maybe.

    I cannot help to think the gusher will have a major impact on our economy.
