
Briefly What I Heard

Returned from the hinterland yesterday and when the time came to throw something up wasn't able to do so till this morning. We start at 6AM now so there isn't much time. Here are several pictures and I will have more up at the picture place late today.

Yea I did hear the fat ass pig boy limbo bloviating how every problem humanity faces is the result of you and me and Bama. That's correct.

Of course the gusher is still doing just that and I'm supposed to feel better. BP's big man wants his life back and they are doing all they can and the containment is working nicely you see. But it will be several more days before they will try something else and the locals want the bad to stop right now.

This yahoo over in Israel seems to always be right and shoots first just to be sure. Peace my ass-never ever.

Then I hear one of our Generals say the fight will go on for much longer than anything Obama said was going to happen in Afghanistan and that the Prez was on board with that and you may as well bend over and take it.

All it is where I was at is one giant gas field.

Have a good one.


  1. Your last pic reminded me of a question I've had rolling around in my tired old brain for a couple of years - I was wondering if the oil fields still had the big torches burning 24/7? So from your pic, I guess they do.
    That prompts another question: What are those oil field torches burning and why can't it be used?

  2. There are hundreds and hundreds of these sites jeg and this is the only one I've seen burning. There is an odor around that is for damn sure.

  3. There are two things to be learnt from the oil spill disaster:

    1. humans are limited creatures. They coulcn't foresee the problem and they couldn't solve it immediately.

    2. politicians are very corrupted. They hand over the natural resources of their country to greedy corporations.
    According to several sources, BP is one of the largest donors to political campaigns of BOTH parties. That will explain a lot.

  4. Amazin photographs. Thanks again. :)

  5. wow, what eye candy (except for that last one dood)
