
Brits Don't Help Us We'll Lose The Second War

Meaning Afghanistan and that is a fact according to Petraeus.

I'm just a guy out of a cornfield but I understand simple things.

Like do you realize what you just said. How fucking dumb are you?

Why is our general out selling a fucking war?

There's nothing charming about anything here.

McFuckstal has already said we will be in Afghanistan long past when Bama said we'd be pulling out.

A cabal of the most evil and wealthy control these things.

There is no chance of getting any of this back. Bama does what he's told and that's fact.

General Stars below is evil at it's worst.


  1. Well said. Of course he does what he is told. They all do. Problem is that after w a while they learn to enjoy it. Some of course are just natural born psychopaths. Patreus might be in the grooming process as we type. Of course the spineless dems would NEVER think that Obama is a puppet. WHY ?? Because he is a democrat. lol.He was a great Manchurian Candidate.

    McFuckstal = = ROFLMFAO

  2. Where have all the great generals gone?

    With each new general in Iraq we were promised the next coming of Omar Bradley or George Patton. They have all sadly fallen far short.

    A good general will trade lives for land. Since both these invasions and occupations started all we've been doing is trading lives for time. That's what pathetic generals and their masters do.

  3. Tom take a lighter look at this disaster. People are amazing!

  4. The Brits have had 3 wars with Afghanistan, they must be real easy to convince.
