
Stroking Congress War Whores

Telling them just what they want to hear.

Some gems from just another snake oil salesman,

“We will have some bad days ahead, but so long as we hold fast and adapt faster than the enemy, the enemy’s situation will continue to worsen,” 

Success in Afghanistan is propping up an Afghan government that is stable enough to keep “extremists” from using the country as a terrorist base.

The U.S.-Pakistan relationship is “trending in the right direction,” he said.
Mattis said he is probably most concerned about Iran, including its desire to enrich uranium that could be used to build a nuclear bomb.

A big win in Afghannystan and move on over and take out that devil of a country Iran. Who says things aren't going according to plan.


  1. I like your direct language ("war whores").
    I'll say this: If America cannot win a war in days or weeks, she should never start any war,anywhere. She should fight terror only when it reaches her own borders.
    Her being engaged in wars for years with no clear victory, weakens not only America but also her allies and friends in the world.

  2. The only thing served by this war is profit for military contractors.

  3. There is no big win in the Kabul Quagmire, just more opportunities for Lyndon Baines Obama to tell us its raining.

  4. I won't comment on the post Tom but I do love that picture!!! Absolutely gorgeous. I just stopped by to say hi!

  5. I swear my friends we have a better grasp of reality than any person/persons who make the decisions about this.

    Duta-that was one hell of a comment and I thank all of you.

    I'm out of here in a bit either to camp or visit my favorite Aunt who lives in Casper.

    Never been back when Ft. Kaspar was open. I'm inclined to go there so I can see that again and try to put my self in the shoes of the soldiers who shit their pants when the bluff above teemed with Indians.

    All of you have a great weekend.

  6. Hmm, you're right. In the minds of the neocon architects of this war things ARE going swimmingly.

