
A Dark Cloud Hanging Over Town

For the better part of three days the second Freedom Conference (freedom my ass) is taking place here. I only link to the local fishwrapper because in this case last year there were no articles  about what happened or what was said by these people.

But the Texas killer Rove himself is in town along with possibly a even nuttier and more dangerous slut than Palmer herself-none other than the senate candidate from Nevada Sharon Angle.

So CNN is here as well so I'm sure the idiocy will be running wild.

I think I might upchuck.


  1. Sweet-friggin-Jaysus, a nutter conference? Aren't you proud! ;p

  2. Of course not Dusty but I just found out there will be a protest at noon tomorrow by a group I belong to from Denver so I will be there. This is a small town you know. It takes maybe at the very most 10 minutes to get from one end to another. I borrowed a parking pass from a friend and will be 50 yards away.

  3. Look on the bright side. Think how depressing it would be if they lived there.

    What I would like to know is what amount of security do/did they get from local gov't and did they pay for it.

  4. Wow, do you think they fucked?

  5. CNN is still trying to be the "FOX Lite," I see.

  6. We expect a full report m'dear! ;) And then there is Beck's festival of fools this weekend...christ, it's enough to make one think about going postal.

  7. We'll see what we can do Dusty.
