
He Had An Arch - Now He Doesn't

When I came across this on Saturday  I had to think if it's close enough to being an arch and I think it is. Then I thought shit fire I'll name it Fly's Arch. Then I said I can't do that it looks too much birds kissing or some thing like that. The one on the right looks like a porpoise too. In any case this is the Kissing Bird's Arch.

Here's another shot.

And one from down below.

Close to this was this which to me from this angle looks like a huge turtle.

But from this angle like a platypus.

Now I can only venture a guess what some people might think they see here.


  1. Those are pretty cool, makes me think of vee-da-voo between Cheyenne and Laramie Another area that has to be seen to be appreciated!

  2. I've not been in there and that is a great link provided here that's worth looking at.

    Thanks Jim!

  3. I had a ball there when I was in the military. I was quite athletic and had a ball climbing the rocks and at
    Curt Gowdy

  4. There are some good things in Wyoming now aren't there. Glad you know about what the West is like Jim.

  5. Yeah Tom I have had some good times in Colorado and Utah too!

  6. Wow, a platypus rock. does it lay rock eggs?
