
There's An Internet Screwing A Humm'in

We're talking Net Neutrality if the title is too confusing. This from the FCC at the end of their day.

Federal Communications Commission officials called off closed-door talks with lobbyists aimed at reaching a compromise on new rules to prevent Internet traffic from being blocked or slowed, saying they couldn't reach a workable compromise.

What the fuck is so hard to understand about this. There ain't going to be any fucking compromise ever. Just like there was not going to be any working together with the piece of shit repugs in Congress like Bama tried to do time and again. Get it fucking straight-it ain't happening fucking ever not the way things are now.
Lets be clear and cut the bull shit.
The FCC has the power to institute regulations concerning many things but in this case it's access to the Internet and how fast it runs for consumers. That's all consumers not just the ones with more money.
There are three Democrats on a board of five unlike the Bush years when it was the other way around. I know where Copps is on this issue but I have a bad feeling that in the end the corporations will get their way and the little guys will get fucked again.
I believe that if Net Neutrality  is not instituted little blogs will for the most part be inaccessible. This is serious shit and the big boys want control of this as it's pretty much the last place where the whole truth can be found. Lefty blogs like this,mine and maybe yours.
I have little confidence that equal access to the Internet will survive as we have it now.
Cross posted @ MMA 

1 comment:

  1. What can I say,great minds...
    I posted on this earlier. It looks like the internet will change and not for the better.
    May they all get F***ed.
