
The Thought Has Crossed My Mind

What can I say-I would like to have a bunch of these but I just don't want to pay.

These panels are everywhere out in the middle of nowhere. A couple of bolts and a couple of snips and it's a done deal. I mean after all it's the oil companies ya know there.

As much as I'd like to do so I'm getting too old to be sitting in the slammer. 


  1. It would be as given that stuff would disappear, I don't know why they even bother. Funny but the slammer days are over.

  2. In my fantasy every home and business in this country would have solar panels and be run by at least some solar power and our dependence upon gas and oil would be diminished. But hey, let's wait until there is so much global warming mayhem so that solar panels become useless right? ;~)

  3. I suppose this indicates why Republicans don't want to BUY solar panels. But I'd let them have them if they would stop trying to steal elections.

  4. I'm a great fan of solar energy and a believer in its future. Yet, at this stage, it's very expensive as compared to the other forms of energy, and not possible everywhere. In high ,urban buildings, for instance, one cannot install a solar water heater beyond the fiffth floor. And the tendency now is buildings of over 20 floors high.

  5. You guys are great commenters. Thanks for that.

    Plus your smart. Why isn't "commenters" a word?

  6. As you're probably aware, this is mostly the tweakers, stealing these to sell for meth. The majority of these wells are low-volume stripper wells and it doesn't hurt the oil companies much at all to lose a few solar panels off of them from time to time. It *does* hurt the landowner who's getting royalties from the well though, since the well shuts down without power and the oil company may or may not decide that it's worth it to put another solar panel out there. In West Texas in particular the landowner getting the taxes may very well be the University of Texas system, which was granted huge trust lands out there upon Texas statehood and uses the money to offset the fact that the Texas legislature hates education and would sooner eliminate public universities in Texas. In short, as with most efforts to stick it to "The Man", the only people who get hurt are the little guys -- the landowners, the university kids whose tuitions rise, and so forth -- not the people you'd think were being hurt.

    - Badtux the Oil Penguin
