
Will They Fight This?

Seriously just how goddamn dumb are we as a society to think that these four cells are a human being and should have the same rights as those who live outside a petri dish? That's what's on the ballot here in Colorado after the same initiative was defeated two years ago. By changing the language it's back to be voted on.

As with the recent ruling on stem cell research science will remain in the caves as the christian fanatics choose because the dumber people are the better for their agenda of sky being fucking nonsense and creationism that proves science and mathematics are nothing but a pack of lies.

So how hard will this administration fight this ruling? I'd like to see and this morning there was nothing that they will and are going to pursue this issue as hard as they are the wars around the globe we are in.

How can it be that our nation has become so fucking stupid. I know the answer as you do but it still needs to be said.

BTW - There is frost this morning.


  1. fully formed human beings can be shipped off to the Middle East to be war fodder with no problems either but this little grouping of cells is sacrosanct?

  2. Yes indeed Mr. Fly, yes indeed!

    I will scroll down and read your latest here, but THEN I have to go see your new picture blog!

  3. This is another step of the Xtian
    Fundamentalist Inquisition.

  4. I was stupefied that Obama's plan to increase stem cell research was just shot down. Where was the scum bucket Bush's hand in this? I can't believe someone that professes to be a true Christian and protector of human life would protect stem cells over real life. Such a farce of concern!

  5. So human cells that will never produce a human being are allowed to go to waste because someone who is alive and breathing has compassion for cells that do not have the ability to return the favor. Does cloud guy come to mind?

  6. This is needed so much my friends. Are we going to get it - well not now that's for damn sure and no response I've seen about fighting it.

  7. You know how it is with those "pro life" morons. Once out of the womb, right to the tomb, for all they care.

  8. I'll believe those four cells are human the day it buys me a beer.lol
