
Crazy Religious Freaks Complaining As Always

This time mind screwed little pricks think they are so special that giving donuts to their teachers with religious bullshit on them is not offensive. Before this they pulled this crap.

What the hell is it with the likes of the insane when it comes to the non-existant sky being. There is a Jehovah living next door who leaves crap on my door but will never talk to me face to face. If she did I would have a hard time being nice to this beautiful women who is so fucked up she doesn't have a clue her neighbor is her worst nightmare.


  1. FYI: The owners of Progressive Eruptions and The Oracular Opinion have been following some cruel and unethical behavior on the blogoshpere on the part of right-wing extremists. One of them is "fearthedragon," which may be following you. He uses a generic photo and fans out to people on your roll.

    As you will see, these goons aren't just paid whores for the GOP or some right-wing group, they can be dangerous and cause innocent people serious harm.

    This is the latest on Progressive Eruptions:

    Oracular Opinion is one of the better conservative blogs:

  2. Fly, if you were a cruel person you could probably twist your JW neighbors mind into a million knots as they do not attract the smart ones. You can neither debate them nor shoot them. The folks in Roswell, on the other hand....

  3. Aside from the good post, today's pic is super!
    What river?
    I want to go.

  4. Well Mont are you headed down there?? And maybe some happened when that balloon crashed.

  5. Hi jeg-that is the Green River in Utah after joining the Yampa and taken in Dinosaur National Monument.

  6. Yes Leslie this person is following and did so just the other day.

    What should a guy do - any ideas please.
