
Drugs-Mexico-Columbia+Pure Bullshit Plenty

Our Third War Front got stirred up proper yesterday -

So the bs starts back and forth that no it's not it's this or that and then there is the Escobars and cartels and fucking nonsense in the article non fucking stop. All the players getting off on jerking each other around on everything except the reality.

Me ranting about this once again will not change anything but it needs to be said to everyone of these people.

Stick this shit up your ass and end this going on 40 year failure which will stop most of the killing and bring some sanity and humanity to literally hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who live in fear and have done nothing to deserve it.

But no-the ones that can stop this love the blood and guts way too much to bring this to an end.

Dirty bastards every one of them that refuse to make a change that reflects the reality learned 20+ years ago.


  1. Terrorists in the Middle East, Central Asia, the Horn of Africa, terrorists are every where for us to chase, detain and kill. Along with attacking, invading, and occupying their countries. Endless war with out borders.

    Now we will have Narco Terrorism in Central and South America.
    Same scenario, different continent.
    Endless war with out borders.

    The MIC beast must be fed.

    My verification word for the above comment was



    The Reds are coming, the Reds are coming.

    So you see America always needs an enemy.
    If they can not find one.
    They invent one.

  3. You betcha the best inventions pass all.

    There's going to be another put up where Mexico is think legalization.
