
It's Not Nato Troops But Americans

Finally I see after almost two days the nine "Nato" Troops killed in the chopper crash were all American and careful now that comes straight from the biggest whore in every one's neighborhood.

And this piece corrects the misinformation that this was the largest loss of life associated with a helicopter in Afghanistan. It's the same old bullshit. No shots no Talibans no nothing as usual but investigate you betcha.

Meanwhile families and loved ones having just recently been informed are preparing to go through what their worst fears had been.

It's this country that's responsible for war and death in Afghanistan not NATO! They do this to confuse an easily confused populace that it's something other that what it it really is.


  1. Well said my friend.
    Sad but true.

    It is like it just does not matter any more.
    This kind a stuff does not even hit the MSM headlines any more.

    It is just another day in the neighborhood.
    Has America become so immune to reality that we have become complicit?

    YES! ! !

  2. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/sep2010/afgh-s22.shtml

  3. Immune hell yes and really fucking stupid too.
