
Really ??

From the mouth of Colorado Tea Nutter candidate for governor the one and only Dan (I'm OK you're the one that's nuts) Maes at a get together in Durango last Thursday.

He's talking to me and maybe you too. This asshole touches me looking for the evil he'll draw back a bloody stub.

You see a lot of his posters out in the country here in NW Colorado. I don't think he has a chance and the state goopers wanted him to step down but he would not. He's on a mission ya know there ya see.


  1. Hallelujah. Feel the E-vil. We are no longer fighting people, we are fighting the system. Wait! He running for office in the system, in the evil system. Must mean he is evil too. He needs to run for a church, not a government.

  2. Don't you just love the way they wrap themselves in the robes of Jesus and throw away the gospels?

  3. You got that straight JC!

    And Mont we all know damn near everyone of these people do just that but yet it's the likes of JC you and I and the others that call them out on this.

    If we were in charge of the media they would not be getting this pass-thus no credibility.

  4. yup, they say the country is center right and they are going all the way with the God talk. Its scary but I don't think the voters will fall for it. They SAY the country is right of center but I don't believe it is.

  5. Hell no it's not Sue-it's a ploy that gradually changes opinion of the sheep into accepting less. Problem is that it works way too good because our side does not fight back near hard enough.

  6. He's right, you know. What he leaves out is that the evil is what he represents.

  7. Dogmatic assholes like this Tc are evil.It's just that simple. Add dangerous as well when allowed to have a mouthpiece for their hate.
