
This Gets To Be Old Shit

No - not the fact the the Goper's are going to say no to a man now mind you to Bama's tax plan. Not that but
that this is even a story worthy of print. Give me a fucking break here. No wonder the populace is so goddamn ignorant. What else have these senate repukes done except the same. The same isn't news.

Then this from the article - a lie straight out of the box the very first paragraph.

President Barack Obama's plan to raise taxes on wealthier people while preserving cuts for everyone else appears increasingly likely to founder before Election Day.
Will the dimwit dims fight back like making them filibuster for the first time as has been suggested by many. Bama wants to reach out some more ya know. Watch nothing happen as the repugs will get most of what they want.


  1. I hope they want a severe ass kicking and just get most of what they want.

  2. I am willing to bet a few cyber bucks that the spineless dems will compromise [as usual] and extend the tax cuts to the wealthy for 2 more years.

    Any takers?

  3. While gambling is now permitted under my latest edict RZ, that's not gambling. Taking your bet is just throwing money down the toilet. I have a mosque to build.

    Funny thing is though, I have no problem if my taxes go up so my government can pay it's bills and keep it's promises. I'd just as soon Congress does nothing and allows the Bush shit to expire all the way.

  4. The way I hear it is that they were suppose to expire this time around.
    So now if they want to expend them then they will also have to find a way to pay for them.
    The ill advised deficit hawks will have a tough time doing that.
    Oh shit, I forgot they can cut more social services.
    Because we know they will not tough the defense budget. It goes up every single year no matter what.
    The MIC beast must be fed.

  5. What ever the hell is going to happen it will be soon. I expect the usual cave in by the dims.
