
Baghdad Burning's Third Anniversary

The third year has gone by and the message remains the same and the light will stay on in the hopes this young lady and her family survived what our country did to theirs. I want to hear the rest of her story and as long as this blog exists this will be the post for October 22.

A post from a year ago with the same feeling as then maybe more. And the light will remain on for another year.

One year ago today was Riverbend's last post. Many of you have read her posts I'm sure and I for one looked forward to every new one. As things deteriorated in Iraq her postings became less frequent and her family made the decision to leave Iraq for Syria.

I learned so much from this young women things you wouldn't find anywhere else. A perspective of life in Iraq that was so very negatively affected by our invasion that was close to normal before our intervention even with Saddam at the helm.

Just wanted to acknowledge this date. The light and the link stays on in the hopes that she is okay and that the next time I visit there will be a new post. That would make it a good day if that happened and hope very much it does.


  1. How many innocent people have been killed?
    How many innocent people have been
    How many innocent people have been
    How many innocent people have been
    How many innocent people have been
    suffering for lack of basic needs?
    How many innocent people have been
    terrorized and demoralized?
    How many innocent people have been
    exposed to chemicals, and depleted uranium?

    This happened because of the W/Cheney illegal invasion of Iraq.
    Not under the Sadam regime.

    So I must ask.
    What makes us any better than the atrocities that Sadam committed?

    Why is the W/Cheney regime not on trial for War Crimes against humanity?

  2. One Fly and RZ,
    Her posts shamed me.Her strength and hope and belief were wondrous, but those wondrous quality caused me deep shame for what my country did and for my own inaction, my own comfortable life uninterrupted as her was. Like her people,she was and is blameless.
    To hell with the empire.

  3. Men-the leaks will be more reasons why we've been correct all along this path of wars for lies.

    Some of here posts stick in my mind like episodes of "Next Generation". If she never posts again I would like to know as to the welfare of her and her family. It was like you were living what they were. Her writing about our troops were going door to door in the dark of night scared the living shit out of me.
