
Churchill Back In Court


Asking to be reinstated at his job wrongfully taken from him and acknowledged by the court as well that is what happened.

I have followed this from the very beginning and how this man is hated but I always agreed with his piece about the "little Eichman's". You bet he's an arrogant bastard and minces no words but I like that.

When it was realized he could not be had on the speech issue the haters went another way and were successful with that termination determination made by a group that were immune from any lawsuits.

No matter what the flag wavers back then were going to prevail against this commie and god hater and they did.

And to think what is being said these days against Obama and Democrats and none of these same sonsofbitches open their shit encrusted mouths about that.

I'm on your side Ward and hope you prevail because it could have been one of us.


  1. As you might have guessed, I too was and am a Ward Churchill supporter; I, too, thought his "little Eichmanns" remark was right on target, so to speak. Especially now, when the US launches Predator drone strikes to kill one Taliban leader, while annihilating another 30 in "collateral damages," it seems hypocritical to call an act of war by your opponents/antagonists 'atrocities.'

    Gotta say, Tom, yer a heckuva fotog!

  2. Thanks for that Woody and the comments in that whore post piece are so hateful as is most comment threads you see in conventional sites. This may reinforce the polls. People hate the left.

    I look forward to when we can sit down again and have a real bullshit session.
