
G Men Standing Strong On Our Third War Front

Nothing changes with the badges when it comes to pot. It's so bad don't even think about a discussion even with the possibility of one state possibly legalizing it this November. Our government knows just one tactic. Carry the big stick and threaten!

There is one person who could make a difference and begin the process of decriminalizing this benign substance that has been used by man for several thousand years. That would be Obama but like all of them he does what he's told and you can damn well bet the feds will make their presence know when applicable just to let the peons know just who the hell is in charge.

Dirty bastards and a big fuck you to Holder and his gang for threatening people who little deserve it. Did I mention to stick your vigorous up your ass?? If I didn't I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.


  1. Hemp could save our nation. Read this diary...
