
A Gooper Teabagger Dream Family

You betcha it's all here-

White yuppie with kids having never been active before but all of a sudden government is "destroying" our country and our culture. Mom and dad bagger have to make it "a better world for the kids" so they don't have to "register shovels and wheelbarrows and put license on them" ya see.

Guns are a big part of that as there's plenty of "satisfaction hitting a target and watching it fall". After all it's their "god given" right to do so.

Like many places Colorado has more than it's share of the crazy's.

Thanks to RZ for turning me on to this.


  1. Your welcome.
    They even have little tea baggies [youngens]. lol
    The shooting range obstacle course was rather interesting. :-)
    The guy in the video looks to be in good shape. Why does he not volunteer to go to Iraq, or Afghanistan if he LOVES this country so fucking much.
    Where were these clowns during the W coup de etat?

  2. Those are the things they will not talk about ya see there. Hypocrite's don't like to put themselves into that position of being just that.

  3. Hey, way to hide behind the adorable kids there, teabaggers!That's probably the only thing preventing people from explaining to nyou what goddamn morons you are before slamming the door in your faces.
