
Kinda Sleazy At It Again

As always what comes out of the mouths of the bush people is pure lies. In any case the slut has penned a new book and says-

"We made our mistakes undoubtedly," told Reuters in an interview to promote her memoir "Extraordinary People Who Kill At Will"

I can't bear to read her shit as it's too painful but will offer this up.

This killer bitch is just as guilty as all the rest that took this country to war on their lies and now want me to believe that it never happened. I don't think so.

As I have many times in the past I offer my services to pull the trip rope on these nasty bastards who did this to my country.

Bitches first Condi baby. You need to swing just like 'ol Saddam.


  1. She's come out with her book talking about growing up in the segregated South and knew two of the girls killed in the church bombing. Then she goes to work for the fuckers! Talk about a sell out.

  2. HOME RUN Patrick! And it's pissant bloggers like you and me that call her on it.

  3. And the title of her book is about the people she worked with. I doubt there is a better way to describe them.
