
Make That 1 In 5

Make the time come that "believers" are sat down on a stool in the corner like everyone else when they think they are special or are contributing so much because of their flawed belief in an entity that does not exist. It may be headed that way.

The fact of the matter is these numbers are probably real close to the reality. Yea churches do good things and that's real nice. But others do good things as well. Believing in nonsense makes no difference when good deeds are done.

In the last two years especially - crazy believer's have don't nothing but attempt to divide this country and impose their Taliban ways on all of us and that is just plain crazy.


  1. We ain't seen nothing yet.
    The crusade continues.
    The culture wars have just begun.
    The fear card is a Christian ace in the hole.

    We must believe in their Xtian God or else we are deemed to be infidels.

  2. anyone, for any reason, who gives in to "blind faith" is pretty much a danger to all his planetary co-habitants..,

    Honestly, with the exception of women, atheists have been the most persecuted minority for going on millenia now...

    and you know, us folks who like to use reasoning and problem solving to get through life... you know how EVIL we are....

    faith is a danger to all facts

  3. I'm becoming even less tolerant of these mind fucked humans who which to impose their dogma on me and if I don't do so punish me because I believe something other.

    Fucktards all of them!

  4. I have NO tolerance for the biblethumpers that judge those of us that don't drink their koolaid.

    Hopefully, they will rot in their hell for all eternity.

  5. Oscar Wilde said of the time when the Emperor Nero coated christians in tar and used them as torches in his garden at night, it was the only time christians have been known to give off light. Or anything else of value for that matter.

  6. LOL

  7. Oscar Wilde was a Christian. He greatly appreciated the pomp and ceremony of the Catholic Service.

    That being said, I can tell you all as one of the few Christians in these parts, I can't think of anything other than some Christian charities that are in existence because of Christianity, that Christians have done because of Christianity either.

    We're for the most part these days just interested in saying shit we think God and fellow Christians want to hear.
