
Price Of Fuel Going Up On Our Second War Front

Smart people who are realists as well know that a "win" isn't coming for us in Afghanistan. Occupying country's can't seem to get that but since we love blood and guts way too much and could care less what should be done we will carry on this futile effort wrapped in the flag for help.

The kicker is they have done this for days straight. I'm sure there will be a major effort to kill all these baddy's whatever they may be labeled this time and it may stop for a bit.

The problem is and you don't have to be any type of expert is that they can return at will over and over at their choosing and do the same thing. Maybe someone will get their hands on some shoulder fired missiles in the days to come and make the game even more interesting.


  1. This elective, vanity war is definitely not going in the right direction. Originally Bush league, It's turning Nixonian...

  2. You would think that by now we would have learned that occupying a sovereign country is not the way to "win the hearts and minds" of the citizens.

  3. Whichever bunch is doing the attacks, they are choosing their targets well. The US military can't do much without their fuel. When the Russians occupied Afghanistan they had a secure supply line to the country. Our bright lights in the Pentagon have built theirs on faith.

  4. I remember this book I read about WWII many years ago and there was a story about a tank battle with the Germans and a quote from a German who fought was "The Americans died like flies on Khyber Pass today". I always remembered that.

    Nothing is going to change you guys.

    Our country is now one of war. In a year even if some leave we will still be there and probably have moved on to to somewhere else as well.

    If my Dad were alive he'd be even more pissed off.

  5. These last two comments were outstanding!
