
Yesterday We Won This

A tournament held annually at the end of the year between the local golf course maintenance staffs. Not the chump house people but the ones that go out and bust their asses so well to do hacks can go out and pretend they are living a dream of playing like the big boys and girls or something like that.

Remember that at best maybe just maybe on a good day 10% who play this game break a hundred. I have fessed up before to being a shitty golfer and came in with a 50 that included two quadruple bogeys and a 43 for a respectable 93 and 8 pars having not touched a club in a month, I really can live with that.

It was a fun beautiful day and I like the people who I work with. This trophy should sit in the pro shop but of course that won't be allowed because as a throw back to Caddy Shack we maintenance people are less than the beautiful ones who frequent those places.


  1. I was the driver back because the big hitters needed to replenish their body fluid levels. The two guys on the right are close to scratch golfers with the fellow in the blue shirt a 2-time state high school champ.

    I did try a beer but it tasted not too good. Told it was a buttwipe but found out later it was a PBR.

  2. PBR is not even beer Fly, thought you lived in Coors country.

  3. Curs??? A cowboy and winger beer. They have never got a dime from me but I am a lager type of guy Holte but like Fat Tire a lot as well that's brewed in Ft. Collins. Hmmm hmmm goood!

  4. Believe it or not, New Belgium brews a 3.2 version of Fat Tire (which I call Flat Tire).

  5. Damn, I shot a 108 yesterday and hadn't picked up a club in two weeks. You're a better golfer than me Gunga Din.

  6. If I had given a shit and practiced I probably would have turned into an ever bigger asshole Patrick. I had to keep score and I hate that and never really do on paper anyway.

  7. Great news and kudos to you guys.

    8 pars? really tuff to do and u should be proud.

  8. For having no expectations what so ever and being forced to keep the damn score yea Russ I'm satisfies.

    Thanks Suzanne.
