
About Time

That is to head back to Colorado. Close to wearing out my welcome plus the thrill is gone. Glancing at my blog list you guys have put such good stuff up and there is no way I can look at all of it let alone comment. I need to catch up for sure. Here are a few pictures from the last couple days. Nothing of any consequence at all only to illustrate what you see here. Later,OF


  1. We've switched spots as I'm posting this comment from Lyons, CO...on my way to the border. Love the Midwest photography!!

  2. Welcome back to Colorado!
    As usual, your pictures are awsome (especially the one with the deer).

  3. It's nice to see things and places that I know I never will. Thanks for that. Someday I hope to use my camera. Until then I depend on you..lol

  4. Nunya
    On the way out saw a couple in the very south of South Dakota and there's a picture there that's sooo good. It's going on the top here soon. On the way back yesterday there were so many headed east along I-80 I was surprised. That and container trains mixed in with combo trains. I think this coal was from Wyoming headed to who knows where back east.

    Thanks and you just be careful. You take good pictures as well and now blogger has made it so easy. I hope you post more.

    Thanks as well but that deer has a branch in front of his face. The other picture is of him running away. It looks like a 10 pointer if one looks real close. A highly prized animal and bow hunting has just started. FYI deer are a huge problem in Iowa because there are so many one has to be very aware when driving. He's a healthy one for sure.

    Yo Timmy
    Like Duta said to me "maybe you will" but I always say the pictures mean a bit more when you have an association with the picture taker no matter how small it is. It's fun and if a guy like me can do it Tim you can as well. I glanced at my pictures from this trip last night and there are a few out of many many that stand out but it was tough. I have a lot of icon pictures that I will make a post on as soon as I can that might be interesting.

    Thanks again you guys for taking the time to stop by and leaving your thoughts.
