
Arizona Wannabes In The Cornfield

Not to be outdone by the racists in Arizona Iowans are ramping up to show they can be just as bigoted as the clandestine sheet wearers in the Grand Canyon State.

Let's understand the hypocrisy here as for several decades packing plants replaced good paying union jobs with people from Mexico in successful attempt to break them. It literally changed many small towns in this state. No one said boo about losing the unions but even back then the browns were not liked but they remained.

No surprise here-
An Iowa Poll conducted in September found that 66 percent of those surveyed favored an illegal- immigration law such as the one in Arizona. The sentiment was strongest - more than 80 percent - among Republicans, born-again Christians and supporters of Branstad and the tea party.

But the best is here something you will never hear the crazies on the right mention.
A 2007 study by the Iowa Policy Project, a research group, estimated that undocumented immigrants in Iowa pay some $40 million to $62 million in state and local property, sales, excise and income taxes every year - and consume fewer services than many believe.

The chances are probably pretty good this will get done and the old saying for what Iowa stands for (idiots out wandering around) will reach higher ground. When that happens this native son will not return!


  1. 'Idiots Out Wandering Around': makes sense!

  2. That came from Wisconny. Get it a lot as there a bunch of those drunken cow tippers around here.

  3. In a state with Hispanics nearly a majority we've elected an Hispanic governor who campaigned on anti-immigration. We've entered Bizzaro World here.

  4. This is one more chapter in the far right culture wars.
    They are afraid of losing their own identity.
    They care not if every one around them and even themselves are slaves to the system.
    Just as long as all those slaves of ignorance are white like themselves.
    The pilgrims should have been asked for their papers at the dinner table that the natives provided.

    No papers- no soup for you pilgrim.

  5. This kinda shit is going to play out all over the place.
