
Churchill Loses Appeal

Yes I do want this man to win but this outcome was a given. A judge who rules in favor of this man is taking a genuine chance of losing his life. Churchill is hated as much as the Clinton's and President Obama.


  1. I agree
    He will never get a fair shake.
    If he did it would be the same as admitting their own failure of justice.

  2. As my grandmother used to say.

    "it's not who's right, it's what's right"

    afraid to take a stand as judges of what's right put's us on slippery slope to anarchy.

  3. Another great day for the First Amendment. [/SARCASM]

  4. If I understood correctly, the man was fired for plagiarism, but if it was freedom of speech, then he should indeed be returned to his position at the university.

    Anyway, he's got to justify the name of Churchill who was a great statesman (lol).

  5. Maybe someday he will prevail folks but I doubt it not with the hateful mood we have now in this country. We all understand the importance of this.

    He has more balls than Churchill Duta but read his essay on roosting chickens and that is why he was punished. Saved you the effort. The link is here.

    He was correct then and remains so today. Our country loves war way too much to have an uppity Injun calling white folks out on it ya see there!!

    Many dumb shits on our side hate him as well.
