
Will Colorado Be As Racist As Arizona

Repugs own the house the dims the senate. Will this state return to the days of yester year when the KKK roamed the halls of the state capitol and the streets of many towns all over the state.

The crazy's will come out in droves over this and the question is will enough bigoted dims vote for this to make it law. If they do pass I seriously hope the rest of the country punishes this state worse than they did in Arizona from lost revenue from tourism and convention gatherings. There are other places to ski and just as good as mountains to explore else where.

You know places where you do not have to carry or prove your identity and nationality. Have not carried any identity papers of any kind on my person for decades and and do not plan on starting. Generally guys carry a billfold in their back pocket. I quit that because it hurts the right cheek of my ass and causes back problem and that a fact.

1 comment:

  1. You should carry on you some kind of identity document. God Forbid! if some accident occurs, then they are able to identify the injured person and announce his family.
