
Another Miracle

It's from a year ago but the myth lives on.

"People feel that he is, like, somehow connected right directly with God," Hermanstorfer was at his wife's side when her heart stopped beating. He thought he had lost both her and their newborn son. But doctors revived Coltyn in his father's arms. And then a nurse told Hermanstorfer his wife's pulse had inexplicably returned and that she would probably survive. Mother and child are healthy, with no apparent after effects and no medical explanation for what happened."That's why I mark this up as a miracle," said Hermanstorfer, 38. "There's no other explanation anywhere from anybody that can explain anything different to me."

Miracles are easy-all you gotta do is say there was one and wa-la you got a real one.


  1. Somewhere I heard it... don't remember exactly where.

    "If you pray hard enough, the rains stop, or the drought ends, you get another job, or the people you love get to feeling better. the same things happen if you don't pray."

  2. Mind screwed since birth and on top of that people want to believe so badly they believe the nonsense.

  3. Merry Christmas bud.
    Ya grumpy old fart.


  4. Jolly,

    How in the hell did they test that?!

