
One Reason Why We Will Lose In Afghanistan

One among many but an important one.

A local airman who was wounded in Afghanistan last year has passed away. He was shot by insurgents in the chest and twice in the abdomen. Doctors took unusual measures to save his life by removing his pancreas, a procedure that had never been performed before on a trauma patient. The cause of Porfirio’s death is unknown.

If you can not understand that bullets and other missile type objects flying through the air kill the very people you send there to be the recipient of these objects then it's long over due we leave as soon as possible.


  1. Of course you'll loose in Afghanistan, for the same reason you've lost in Vietnam and Iraq. There's something very wrong with the whole system in your country.

    A highly technological nation like USA which is not capable of winning a war against a third world country in weeks, and gets stuck in blood for years with no victory at the end, should thoroughly revise its systems and get conclusions. She'll not be able to defend herself when the attack on her borders will take place, and this is sooner than you might think.

  2. You know that and I know that and I also know and bet you know as well that when your country works for the corporations and not the people this is what you end up with. The Empire is in decline but admit to not knowing who will attack us first. Please tell.

    Thanks Duta.

  3. Well, there's always world terrorism in the background ready to strike, and it has allies in some of your south american neighboring countries.

    Besides, economies of countries and continents nowadays are interconnected ; unsolved economic problems might lead to military conflicts and wars. It's no secret, for example that China is greatly displeased with USA's economic policies which could badly affect China's money reserve and shake its economy.

  4. We are very good at making enemies and better at making the bullets in an attempt to get rid of them but it doesn't work out very well most of the time. And how the whole country hated these people for years. Many still do. There is no way out of this with the mentality we have today.
