
The Senate And The Dream Act

The house passed it 216-198 with 38 repugs who call themselves democrats voting against it.

Think even for a second these these millionaire fat bastard white men will pass this? Fuck no. Bring a bill that that favors big business and that will change quickly to fuck yes. What I wait to see is how many dims vote against it. This is not a good example for that as there are more that enough on the right to say no with out dims having to put on their sheets to make this vote.


  1. Dude...I am watching more sports lately as I am about to go postal over Obama and his friends on the extreme right. Such Fuckery deserves the lowest rung in Dante's Inferno. Bastards..

  2. I hear you! I don't know what the hell I'm going to do because there is a time coming I'm sure where I pay no attention to nothing in politics anymore. Our side refuses to accept the fact that giving this man and these men passes on their support of the cabal of killers who are in charge and think they can make change using the samo tactics are sheep as well. Hope you're doing well otherwise. Is it spring yet?

  3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20101209/us_yblog_thelookout/reid-buys-time-on-dream-vote

  4. Dusty I agree, he's a frigging Republican!

    Anyway DREAM Act support has allowed the bill to pass through the House of Representatives - but a Senate vote could stop the bill inits tracks.

    The House of Representatives voted Thursday night to allow children who entered the country illegally but meet certain conditions to become citizens after attending college or serving in the military for two years.

    It's supposed to fail in the Senate but we will see because it is the right thing to do and it is down to a vote in the Senate.

  5. Reid has delayed the vote "till later this month"
    This is code speak.

    Here is the Main St. version.
    The rethugs will not look at this until they get what they want for the uber rich.

    They are running the clock down.
    The dems in power are a fucking joke and a half.

    I am 100% Green, or who ever will represent the people.
    It sure as fuck is not the dems.
    Oh and that DADT
    That will also be passed on.


  6. Oh, one more thing.
    Have the dems even brought up the 99ers?

    Notice how they are hush hush about the estate tax.
