
State Record For Kilt B'ar

This is pretty damn interesting and assume it's all true but as time goes by this story may rival Davey Crockett. I have mixed feelings about this but the bottom line game management does work for the most part and there is plenty game around these parts.

This thing weighed 703 lbs. and get this ---- he crawled into a cave and got him. He's going to be a celeb you can bet on it. Here is the link to the story and whether you agree or not it's quite a story.

I would rather see this animal alive in the wild much more than hanging on a wall or walking on it. So here is a picture of live bears who I enjoy so much and never tire of seeing as well.

Relive the old days if you want. Hell you might have your coonskin cap laying around yet. Here'ssss Davey.


  1. I was reading a biography of Peter the Great and it mentioned the Swedish King Charles V (I believe that's the name). Charles would go bear hunting with a staff that had a Y shape at its tip. He would place the Y under the bear's neck and in doing so expose the critter's belly. He would then kill the animal with his sword.
    That is badass.

  2. It is but I wonder how it worked with one running at you who didn't want to stand up. No matter what I ain't getting that close to no b'ar.

  3. Wow! A real Elmer Fudd. WTF was he doing crawling into a bear's cave. How very unbrave of him. Shooting the bear that was beginning to go into hibenation mode from 6 feet.
