
This Can Be Yours

This thing was huge and ugly. The back of it was almost like the front of it. It has been lived in for awhile from what I could gather. It sits as the crow flies maybe 50 miles east of downtown Denver along with others probably on 35 acre parcels. I was surprised how many were out this far and what these people do to support this habit of a monster house because they can is unknown. The commute to anywhere is a long ways at the minimum.

These were taken on Xmas day and as you can see for yourself there is no snow. It used to snow down here but not for a long time. What a grand entrance you could make into your house if you want to pay 639K. 


  1. Relics of a forgotten unattainable fantasy.
    These ghost palaces are all over the country.
    They are examples of a capitalist system gone Corporate.
    Bizzaro houses for bizzaro people living in Bizzaroland.

  2. That good man sums it up so very nicely. Thank you!

  3. I guess that's for people who want to get away from it all.

  4. It was a bit odd actually because there's not much out here. There were a lot of these things. These were just a long ways away from anything.

  5. Look, I am going to have to be the voice of reason here. Stop picking on the elderly!

  6. I think these oldsters left home John for parts unknown.

  7. 639K, and not a tree in sight? The builder and buyers found a new drug - and the supply ran out way too soon.
    How far to the nearest grocery store and gas station?

  8. I'm thinking 35 maybe a bit more Jeg and that would be to a real store.

  9. Who knows? what they were thinking.

    Hey! honey they approved our loan!

    Let's build out there closer to Nebraska.
