
Up On The Roof Top

I did not get done and will finish hopefully tomorrow. I am pooped and blood was drawn. What a pain in the ass.

And this is no feel good xmas post or anything close to it. Didn't go outside yesterday and the snow today is up to the bumper of the car. The roof has to be cleared there is no other choice. I fucking dread it but before that major project starts it's clear around the car game first. I can't wait til spring is here and the fall when I move away. I hope I never have to spend another winter in snow country. This is what I'm facing up there even though this is not my roof.

If there's anything good about this is that if you fall off you will not die - probably. And away we go.


  1. I'll send you one of these if you want.


  2. Can't say I'm glad you're moving Tom because we both know the area is gorgeous but for your sake I am glad because you can't be messing with that anymore. It is still early so good luck.

  3. Thanks Russ but there is no choice you have to go up. I have the trailer section done and actually it's not too bad. The addition part has the most and where it comes down then it has to be blown away-the problem is that it's generally a bit moist and it compacts. Before the blower can get into it it needs to be broken up with a shovel. It sucks a hind teat no matter what. Life for the little people.

    There are many choice areas down there as well Jim. Not far from Sante Fe or the 4-corners area.

    Short break over-thanks men!

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  6. Blood has been flowing rather frequently these days it seems. If I had teeth it would have had a couple knocked out with this one. That'll show'em!

    Thank you for the hint.
