
We Got Us A Kush Con Conference

And that's a real good thing. It's in Denver and I wish I could go but I don't think so.

This article is correct in that this state is the leader with this industry and what can you say this is what America wants and are getting even though the badges and dark age bureaucrats are having shit fits that people voted on this are are allowed to use it legally.

For once there is no mention about the evils of marijuana. The ones who use this substance also understand the dangers from this drug are very little to nothing at all. Like anything else if it is abused there probably  will be consequences and the way out of the violence here and across the border can be stopped with decriminalization.



  1. Alcohol can kill you, cannabis wont. A very simple fact that is always ignored.

  2. Simple no good
    Reality means nothing
    The truth the samo
    We luv da bullshit and lies way too much
    Blood and guts are good for America on our third war front
